Drive The Whiskey Trail when visiting South West Victoria.
Travel to Camperdown along the Princes Highway. At the former Camperdown Courthouse, opposite the Clock Tower, a plaque has been erected commemorating the appearance on November 23, 1893 of James Paterson Wilson, charged with possessing an unlicensed still. Thomas “Whiskey Tom” Delaney was also charged at this court in 1891.
As you drive 13 km south west to Cobden you will find a plaque erected in Curdie Street out the front of the Uniting Church Opportunity Shop (next to the current Police Station). This plaque commemorates the fact that local Policeman Mounted Constable James Murdoch Arthur, left from here, (always under cover of night) with Customs Detective John Christie on their hunts for illicit stills in the 1890’s.
As you then drive 29 km south west to Timboon you come to the former Timboon Railway Station, now operating as the Timboon Railway Shed Distillery. The train terminated here and Christie knew the area well, as did mounted Constable Arthur.

You then drive west along the Brucknell Road to the Brucknell Scout Camp. A plaque has been erected inside the Scout Camp commemorating a site where Detective Christie, Mounted Constable Arthur and two other policemen, Snowden & Quinn, found James Paterson Wilson in possession of an unlicensed still on 19th November, 1893. Permission is now needed to enter the camp, if the office is unattended phone 03 5566 5205 or 0423 455 346.
Continue along Brucknell Road and turn left into Whiskey Creek Road. When you come to Whiskey Creek Road (Vic Roads, Map 91, F 10) you will find a plaque on the eastern side of the roadway. It was near this site in May 1894 that “Whisky Tom” Delaney and Jim Love were found operating an illicit still.
Continue driving a short distance south, to the Sportsman Arms Hotel at Curdie Vale (known to most in the district as the Boggy Creek Hotel). It was here that Detective Christie often slept in the tank room, gathered more information and supplies before tramping the district disguised as a tinker. A plaque has been erected here as part of the trail. Also, a large sign board with a map of all the sites covering the Whiskey Trail (opposite the pub). This is also a chance to have lunch or a drink and investigate the Memorabilia Room. Ph. 03 5566 5223 or email for further information.

Leave the Boggy Creek Hotel and travel west along Boggy Creek Road to the Great Ocean Road and “Delaney’s Corner.” It was here in March 1881 and again in September 1887 that an illicit still was found operating in Farrell’s Paddock on the southern corner (Vic Roads, Map 91, E 10). A Whiskey Trail plaque has been erected here beside the Delaney family plaque. You can then drive into Warrnambool via Allansford (where it is alleged that Whiskey Tom Delaney was once pulled up by two mounted police in the dark, but fled and hid his precious whiskey in a nearby quarry). At the Warrnambool Cemetery you will find the grave of “Whiskey Tom” Delaney who passed away in 1912. A plaque has been placed on his grave.
If you then drive to Gilles Street, off Timor Street you will find, between the former courthouse and police station, the old Warrnambool Gaol, where Whiskey Tom Delaney surrendered to police in May 1894.
From Warrnambool, you can continue your drive west to Koroit and visit the site of the former Korot Racecourse (Vic Roads, Map 89, G 6). Travel north about 5 kms along Koroit-Woolsthorpe Road to the former racecourse. A plaque here recognises the fact Whiskey Tom’s “Mountain Dew” was on sale at the Koroit Races.
Return to Koroit and turn left along the Mailors Flat Road to the Caramut Road, turn right and a very short distance later, turn left and travel to Woodford. A plaque has been erected in Merri Street, where the former Welcome Hotel of Job Wines, sold the celebrated “Nirranda Whiskey” (April 1881).
On travelling to nearby Bushfield turn left onto the Mortlake Road and travel to Mortlake. It was here in May 1895 that Detective Christie and police located a still operated by Thomas Thulborn (Vic Roads, Map 90, E 3), near the former common and racecourse.
The plaque commemorating Thomas Thulborn can be found by travelling north west from Mortlake on the Hamilton Highway. Turn left on to Connewarren Lane (Racecourse Road), travel approximately 1.5km. The plaque is on your left, at a crossroad marked Thulburn Lane & Transfer Station. The Mortlake common is diagonally across the road. Another plaque can be found on Toms grave in Mortlake Cemetery.
Travel south ease to Terang and at the Cemetery you will find the burial place of James Paterson Wilson (Vic Roads, Map page 244, just below the ‘Lake Terang Dry’ note). The gravesite is situated near the western border of the Cemetery near a break in the Hawthorne hedge. Presbyterian area, Section 2, Graves 12/13.
This trail can be picked up from numerous points depending on your destination and direction of travel. Enquiries to Alan Wilson on – 0429 307 461