Welcome to Forrest. Please read the information below to have a fun and safe ride.
Basic Riding Tips
– Look where you want to go, not what you want to avoid.
– Change gears early, especially when coming up to a big hill.
– Always have a finger on your brakes so you can respond quickly if needed
– Brake before corners and always be in control of your bike.
– When approaching a feature rise up out of the saddle, keep your pedals flat and your weight centred.
– Look for the part of the trail that other riders are using and try to copy their line. Be cautious wehen leaving the main line as there may be loose gravel or mud.

Rider Etiquette & Trail Courtesy
– When on shared trails give way to walkers and horse riders.
– If you want to overtake another rider call out to them “On Your Right” and pass on their Right Hand Side.
– If you hear someone call to you try and move to the side of the trail, if safe to do so, to let them pass.
– Only ride on designated trails – Don’t cut corners or cut in new trail.
– Do not alter features or build new features on the trails.
– Respect all trail closures.
– Respect the bush.
Only bikes and E-bikes are allowed on the trails (no trailbikes, E-trailbikes, scooters etc).

What trail grading’s mean?
Green Circle (Easy) – Wide Trail with a gentle gradient and smooth surface. Some obstacles such as Rollovers. Suitable for beginner cyclists with basic skills and off-road bikes.
Blue Square (More Difficult) – Single Trail with moderate gradients including some steep sections. Trails will include obstacles such as roots, drop-offs and table top jumps that may be unavoidable. Suitable for competent mountain bikers on mountain bikes.
Black Diamond, (Very Difficult) – Challenging single track including long steep climbs and steep descents. Includes technical features that are unavoidable. Suitable for Experienced Mountain Bikers.

Any use of these facilities is unsupervised and at your own risk. Forest Fire Management Victoria and the Colac Otway Shire cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any claim, loss or damage that may arise from the use of the facilities. You are responsible for your own safety. Always ride within your ability.