Camperdown and District Historical Society Inc.
Uncover the History of Camperdown and Beyond.
The Camperdown and District Historical Society Inc. runs the ‘Heritage Centre’, featuring a museum and excellent research facilities located in the former IOOF Hall at 241 Manifold Street.
Visit the Heritage Centre and enjoy the Museum: an extensive collection of photographs, documents, artefacts and memorabilia.
The centre also offers research facilities: up to date IT equipment, computerised records and expert volunteers to assist with family and local history research.
Open to the public Tuesdays from 10am to 3pm and the 1st Sunday of the month. Entry is free.
Guided Tours of historic Camperdown and district are also available by arrangement.

All images © Copyright, Camperdown & District Historical Society Inc.
Camperdown & District Historical Society
PO Box 243 Camperdown, Victoria, 3260, Australia
Facebook: camperdownhistory